Saturday, November 30, 2013

I Don't Understand...

One thing I have never been able to understand is how easily so many writers *cough cough* Queen Galligah *cough cough* Pluvio *cough cough* Nonja *cough cough* *keeps coughing* *dies of coughing* *reanimates as Wrimbie* Can make such fantastic covers! I can only make simplistic covers and am learning how to make covers using burn, sponge, pinch, bloat, etc. tools! I don't even understand half the buttons. Those guys are fantastic cover makers, but I can't understand how they make it.

All I know is that they use Pixlr. Like me.

So yeah, I just felt like putting that out there.

Au revoir!

Or A Bientôt!

Or whatever the last one is that I forgot!

Basically, bye!

~Panic L.M. Lônewolf

Friday, November 29, 2013

Just Panicing

Bonjour! Or salut. Or coucou. depends who you are :P

Hi, I'm Panic, the American Writer whom writes every single thing I can think of.

I have many friends- many I haven't met. And those ones are the most fantastic.

They are:

Rain (Pluvio)

Nonja (Monkey)

Strikes (moff/mogg)

Blue (Wombat)

Humble (to be determined)

Galligah (Penguin)

Tym (le fearless leader)

Yeah, that's all I got.

So good bye- for the time being.

I use the enter key to much.


~Panic L.M. Lônewolf